Hall Rentals
Details about our facilities and rental rates are available here:
If you're a new RENTER please study the AGREEMENTS in the documents listed at the bottom of this page.
Use the following calendar to see when the Temple Community Halls are booked*. Press/click on the bookings to see time details. The number following the booked time (e.g. -1973) is a reference to the Contract # for Office purposes.
Abbreviations: LH-Large Hall ... SH-Small Hall... BR-Board Room (aka the Green Room or the Basement Meeting Room)
*Note - when demand is high these bookings may not be completely up-to-date, call the office at (403) 280-5466 to confirm availability.03) 280-54
Please read the Rental Documents listed below
To request a hall, please phone us at 403-280-5466 or email a request to temp11@telus.net … we will phone you back during office hours to schedule a booking appointment.
If you are a new or occasional renter be sure to read and understand Document #2 below. This will form our binding legal contract with you. If needed, our booking person can explain any unclear items to you in one of several languages.
RENTAL DOCUMENTS - (press or click links below to open each pdf)