Disc/Frisbee Golf Baskets

Putting Green & a "Par 3"

A single basket FOR PUTTING is set up beside the Fitness Center

These baskets are FREE for the public to use, just watch out for others

A 2-basket "PAR 3" has been set up on the nearcorners of the Templegreen Park walking path. One below the Rink (pictured) and One below the Tennis Courts. It should take a very good player 3 throws to putt a disc into one of these baskets starting from the other shown here (this makes it a Par 3). You or I are likely to need 5 to 7 throws😅 . Youtube has Disc Golf introductions and demonstrations like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKDDy-9m0wE

Frisbee Golf is the same game but better for young folks using the much lighter and lower cost Frisbees instead of Discs. A video that gives a good description of types of discs and the basic disc throws is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7Buk1Hn8jM

9-Hole & 18-HOLE Courses

The newest and closest 9-hole course opened in April 2021 in Big Marleborough Park. It starts from the parking lot on Madigan Dr NE @ Manora Dr NE. This is 5.2km by bicycle (or 6km by car) from the TCA Hall. This course is the first we've seen using "bells" instead of "baskets" for each hole. Course is also laid out through many trees which Templegreen can't match, so PRACTICE at Temple, PLAY at Big Marleborough.

Before you play these holes and distances, learn HOW to throw a GOLF DISC with a clinic like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgn6Os4YSW0 ... WARNING: throwing discs for exercise is fun but without proper technique and some warmup, it can hurt your back muscles.

To buy GOLF DISCS locally, give Don's Hobby Shop a try (but call 403.262.5717 first, COVID has driven down their stocks) https://donshobbyshop.ca/ store address 1515 Center Street North. This is on Centre Street, one block south of 16 Avenue.

For more information on DISC GOLF play visit "The Calgary Disc Club" website at
